Sunday, April 24, 2011

And so it begins

This is your big week! The AP art showcase is Thursday! Wahoooooo. I'm so excited to see all the work up and together.

AP Art Showcase Thursday, April 28th 4 - 6:30 pm


  1. This is so exciting! Kind of stressful because there's still a lot to be done...but it'll be fun when it all comes together!! :)

  2. It seems like the whole concentration-creation process has gone by so quickly.

  3. ahh i can't believe its already here. its so weird! ha but it will be super duper fun! :) cant wait for the showcaseee

  4. this year has gone by so fast...!

  5. Yeah, concentrations have gone by so fast! Although, I have to say that I'm a little relieved to be done with them. Well, after this week. Not that it hasn't been fun and all--just that I want to work with some other ideas. This week is going to be crazy busy. I forgot about those little eyescrew things we have to stick into the canvases. Oops. My project for tomorrow.

  6. oh wow... this is a lot to take in... i need to write my artist statement...

  7. Wait it's Thursday! This is not a fun week...

  8. It feels good to know Im done with all the concentration pieces. Im excited to stop making art for concentrations and to start making it for fun again..

  9. i agree with Lucas. Art should be for fun, because its more fun that way, and you have more fun doing it

  10. I feel like the year is moving in fast forward!!:(

  11. wahoooo! this has gone by so fast, im excited to slow down and enjoy the last couple of weeks

  12. Still wondering if I need a seperate room for my nude art!
