Sunday, March 13, 2011

So much to do so little time....

Does anyone else feel like this year is flying by? After spring break things start cookin! Only two more concentration checks and then you are done with your portfolios. Weird. The AP showcase will be at the end of April, its a fun event where you get to see your concentration and others on display for the world to see. You can sell your work if you want and make some bank. Or not. Whatever floats your boat.

You guys are super stars. This has been an awesome year. One of the best I can remember having.


  1. Oooh I'm looking forward to the showcase! And I seriously can't believe that we'll be done with school in less than 3 months! It's sad and exciting at the same time :)

  2. lets just pause time for a second--its moving too fast!! :P
    its been a good year tho cant wait to see the show in april!

  3. oh gosh! there is so much to do and so little time to do it! but i'm definitely looking forward to the show in april.

  4. So looking forward to the showcase! I can't believe we've already done that many art pieces!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It was brought up the other day, and I was just wondering, will I have to have my own seperate private room for my art or will we just show it to the public for the AP showcase??

  7. Wow. That means I have to start working. Joy. Not that that's a bad thing. At all. (Just, y'know - energy. Is not here.) (Also, it's like, midnight, and I'm loopy and don't know what I'm typing.) (Maybe get ability to speak in a.m.)

  8. the years gone wayy too fast! im excited for the next two checks tho i finally have some good ideas i can developeeee

  9. Well I will not sat to much to do in so little time though..haha I enjoyed this year!
