Sunday, January 23, 2011

Got Barbies?

Hey, time to raid the attic and find that long lost stash of Barbie's. If you could bring in one or more Barbies' on Monday you can get some extra credit.

She doesn't have to be pretty. Ken would do as well. Actually, any Barbie like doll would be fine too!

Barbie final surprise!


  1. So, useless fact-o'-the-day, I used to have thirty-one Barbie dolls, one one-legged Ken, one-hundred and seventeen outfits for them, and assorted accessories. It was INSANITY.
    (They were all donated to Goodwill/my sister years ago...)

  2. I took over 20 Barbies to Goodwill yesterday GAH.

  3. i was never really a Barbie person, but I might be able to dig up one or two..

  4. No way Claire! Bummer, bummer, bummer. Serious bummer. Naughty art student.

  5. I'm a guy.....I don't play with barbies...

  6. barbies were my life. i had the barbie plane. no big deal.

  7. my sister and her friends cut off all my barbies hair when i was younger and it was devastating. i think they were thrown away soon after :(

  8. Guys are at a bit of a disadvantage for extra credit

  9. ohhh this brings back so many memories....unfortunately I gave my only Ken doll to my brother years ago, who proceeded to amputate every limb from his body. 6 year-old thinking: what good is a Ken doll? later on, I had to marry my barbies to a scooby doo doll dressed in a tuxedo. then our cat got into the barbie bin, and we had to throw a lot out. I don't know. something made them smell really, incredibly bad. btw, all my barbies went to Hogwarts.

  10. I looked but we dont have any. I feel like guys are at an extreme disadvantage because we never owned any, and the chances of getting one off of a younger sister for the sake of destroying it in art class seems next to impossible.
